Wednesday, August 16, 2006

okay, i guess it is for real

so i've decided that 8 hours of sleep is damaging to me. as a friend pointed out, it's not that my body doesn't like it, it's that it messes with my sleep cycle. true. if i sleep 8 hours one night, i lie awake all night the next. its like my body thinks it has already slept for 2 nights. this was the case last night, so instead of sleeping, i lay awake thinking the following random thoughts:

1. why do we grocery shop on friday night instead of monday... i wonder how to get that changed
2. where will my little brothers next tattoo be, and what will it be?!
3. how would mustard taste on steak?
4. how much is a peck, and how can peter piper pick pickled peppers? isn't pickling something that is one after the picking process?
5. "I'm a pheasant plucker. I am a mother pheasant plucker..."
6. mmmmmmm slurpees
7. ir: voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van (yeah, like english is the hard language)

and the list goes on. this doesn't happen to me too often, mostly because i rarely sleep more than 4 hours per night, but every once in a great while i have my nights and if i ever do get to sleep i wake up feeling like c-rap the next morning and...

(if i were marie i'd be making the donkey noise right now)

anyway, gatorade rules

music: theme to last of the mohicans
mood: bored of myself- hence the "donkey" noise


Kylee said...

I like your random thoughts...and it sort of gets me a little into your head...which is weird, but I likey!

So where is Adam?

Mooney said...

Adam and Collin are trying to imagine themselves into existence.

Mmmmmmm...slurpees. Not many 7-11's in Manhattan. Maybe two. So I've decided you're my fellow slurpee fiend. Prepare for unpredicted late night slurpee calls. You up to it?

ju said...

ky- adam is out of town this week. check back next week.

jared- that's not like a booty call, is it? ;)

eh- either way. as long as there are slurpees

Seth said...

Who the hell is Adam?

Mooney said...

It's a booty call WITH slurpees.

Tang Tang said...

Ooooh, I want an Adam! I hope he's a peasent mother phes...fluc...ther...hesitant...DANG!!

ju said...

adam is not a peasant mother. he's a pleasant mother pheasant plucker, duh!