Wednesday, February 13, 2008

sorry about your wife's second cousin...

i have no original thought, so i'll just blog other people's stuff. my bff from a million years ago (read: she knew me at 13 and still likes me- woot!) sent me a greeting card stating, "WE HATE THE SAME PEOPLE". totally brill. anyway, here's a selection of other choice ones i found while perusing the thousands of cards they have to offer. i can't actually recommend the site because a large portion of the cards are, well, completely inappropriate, but i'm sure if you're tech savvy enough, you'll figure it out.

p.s. i hate my blog layout. i promise to change it soon.


Rachel said...

This is really funny.

Kylee said...

So the best one by far is the one that is so true...the email one! I love you but not enough to give you my password...ha ha

I am so happy that you are in my life! I love you girl!

kendall said...

I'm ready to change my facebook relationship status if you are....