Friday, May 16, 2008

"hey colleen, i have an idea...let's post the worlds worst pictures of ourselves on the internet."

the other night we had the lovely privilege of getting made-over (is that a word?) by the uber talented dr. dre "mac is my middle name" newton. the girl is a makeup genius who has offered to share her magic with the less visionary. she's also a total blast to be with and seeing as colleen and i both know how to spot a good thing, we took her up on the offer.

so here's a prime opportunity for c and i to give up all pretense, and to put aside propriety for the benefit of, well, who knows what. behold, the infamous before pictures! of course, we tried to look as pathetic as possible. think it worked? don't answer that.

we know, we know, the above images will haunt your dreams forever. but never fear! a dash of color here, a little mascara there, and, um, a little comb through the hair and we're saved!

so there you go. thoughts? suggestions? think we should hire dre full time? think that make-up is a little too fancy accompanied by my old cardigan? any guesses on where we went to show off our new look? do we at least get a few points on for being gutsy enough to post those before pics? (shudder, shudder...)


Andrea said...

Oh, Darling, how could I do anything but an amazing job on such a beautiful canvas! Let's do it again soon! --Dr. MAC Dre.

Erin:) said...

im just relieved that digital cameras were not invented when we went through our ugly stage, b.c i would hate to see your friends stop viewing your blog after they saw us and our scraggle hair, braces and not so cool clothing:)

Rachel said...

oh my gosh you girls are so cute, I love the before pictures with the hair parted in the middle. Hot hot hot!

Alaina said...

I found your photo op spot! So bring that makeup on down to Utah and we'll have a gay old time. In a red barn with white windows. Um... no pink cardigan allowed.