Wednesday, January 23, 2008

computer speak

be bop boop bop beep beep bop bo bee bop bopbebop bop beep beep bop beep bop bop beep beepbeep bop bop bop beep beep beep beepop bop beep bop bop beep bopbop beep bop beep beep bop bop beep bop beep bop bop beep beepop beeboop boppeep bop bop beep.


NatAttack said...

HAHAHA. I love it so much.

I can't write anything funnier, the pain pills are blocking that part of my brain.

Erin:) said...

what?? i dont know if it is the stress of today or my 2 hrs of sleep last night, but i don't get it?

K. Marie Criddle said...

You are by far the weirdest person I know. I LOVE YOU.

By the way, I heard your father Werner was a burger server in suburban Santa Barbara when he spurned your mother Verna for a curly-haired surfer named Roberta. Did that hurt her?

Lady Bills said...

shmeep beep boop bop bop!