Monday, February 05, 2007

ohio take 7

so i had a day of rest, sue me.

yesterday -post church and stuff- my little brother and i resumed our old time tradition of disney movie fest. and when i say fest, i mean it. three in a row people! this is something we used to do on sunday's when we lived together, and i've always loved it. what is it about everything disney that is so magical? is magical even a word? whatever, i digress.

when it was all over, i sat there thinking about how all girls want a prince charming. then i thought about prince charming in snow white and realized, no we don't! seriously, what did that dude do throughout the whole movie? nothing! he just showed up at the end for a little action and then rode off into the sunset with his woman. and cinderella's prince? again- nothing! it wasn't he who was searching all night for the girl attached to the right size foot. but again, he shows up in the end to reap the rewards. and the beast? don't even get me started on that one...

anyway, it's late and i have little desire to go off on my diatribe of qualities i'd like to have in my prince. all i'm saying is that i think we'd all like someone in our lives who are a bit more proactive. someone who will fight dragons for us. you know, like sleeping beauty's bf.


IRockButImSad said...

yeah its called lame and that is what webster decided you will be defind as. okay and me too

Kelly said...

I always had a big crush on Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty.

NatAttack said...

Though Anastasia isn't a Disney movie, I throw my hat in for Dimitri. A little rough around the edges, a bit of a rouge, but smokin-hot, and willing to fight evil for his woman!

Mary said...

you have just poignantly illustrated why SB is my all time fave. thanks.

Lady Bills said...

let's not forget prince eric from the little mermaid... that guy had to hold his breath for 800 years to fight off the mean witch AND the only reason why he mistreated his damsel in distress is because he was put under a spell... otherwise he would have just swept that saucy red-head right off her feet... whatev!

Rachel said...

I'm a fan of Hercules myself, I mean he's woman was a sassy misdirected chic, and he still fought Titan's for her. Eyelash bat...he's dreamy.

Colleen said...


I want Prince Phillip - he's hot.

Also - he totally fought that nasty beast of a queen.

I need someone to fight my boss.